3 Steps To Implement Human Design Into Your Life

How to Implement Human Design Into Your Life

If you’ve recently discovered Human Design and are eager to start incorporating its insights into your daily life, you might be wondering where to begin. As a Human Design coach, I’ve found that taking a step-by-step approach to decode your chart is more effective than diving into all elements at once. It can help you connect more deeply with this powerful system overall.

In this blog post, I’ll share the first three steps to take to help you start implementing Human Design into your life in a practical way.

Step 1: Discover Your Human Design Type and Authority

The first step in your Human Design journey is to obtain your chart and identify your type and authority. 

There are four main types in Human Design: 

  • Generators / Manifesting Generators
  • Projectors
  • Manifestors
  • Reflectors. 

Each type possesses its own unique ‘strategy,’ which, put simply, dictates how you should interact with the world around you to minimise resistance and enhance energetic flow.

Manifestors are around 9% of the world’s population, have the strategy ‘to inform’. 

The reason for this, is that other Types struggle to read a Manifestors intentions. We can’t predict what they are going to do next… Therefore by ‘informing’ others of their plans the Manifestor removes resistance as others know what to expect from them and what’s coming.

Generators and Manifesting Generators make up around 68% of the population and their strategy is to ‘respond’. 

Generators and Manifesting Generators are the ‘builders’ of the world who have the sustainable energy to physically build and create. Their design allows them to ‘respond’ to what excites them in life and contribute to its construction.

Generators and Manifesting Generators must ‘respond’ because their design intends for them to expend their Sacral energy each day through physical work.

Projectors are around 22% of the population and their strategy is ‘to wait for the invitation’. 

Projectors are the guides and leaders of the new world, and their strategy to wait to be invited protects their energy. The Projector has an ‘undefined Sacral Centre’ which means they do not have access to the traditional ‘working’ energy that Generators and Manifesting Generators have.

They are called a ‘non-energy Type’ in Human Design. By waiting for the invite, they ensure they are only offering guidance to those who request it and in doing so effectively manage their energy levels.

Reflectors are only 1% of the population and their strategy is ‘to wait a lunar month’. 

Reflectors are very energetically sensitive, and their gift is to reflect back the health of the community. The Reflector’s process is to sample the energy within the environment to see what could be improved.

The Reflector needs a full lunar month to sample the energy of the environment to land at a conclusive outcome. Rushing the Reflector into action will not yield desired results.

Like a Projector, the Reflector is also a ‘non-energy’ Type. Their strategy also allows them to protect their energy levels.

Collectively, the 4 Types work as a team. 

As an example, the Manifestor ‘Informs’ of its plans, the Generator ‘Responds’ if the plan excites them and helps build. The Projector is invited by the Generator and Manifestor to assist in guiding them through their project.

The Reflector senses the energy of the working environment over time and offers advice for improvement. The Manifesting Generator is a sub-type of the Generator and also responds. However has the additional gift that it can respond and build multiple projects at once.

Step 2: Understand and Experiment with Your Human Design Authority

In addition to your type and strategy, you will want to find out your ‘Authority’. Human Design recognises your authority as the way you are designed to make your decisions.

The purpose of experimenting with Authority is Human Design is to allow you start making decisions from the body rather than the mind, as our bodily intelligence is significantly more reliable than our mind who’s main focus is only to make decisions to keep us safe based on past experiences.

There are seven different authorities in Human Design. Your Human Design Authority depends on the combination of coloured and white centres in your chart. Don’t worry – you don’t need to work it out for yourself! The information section next to your chart lists your Authority.

You can get your free chart here to check your Authority alongside a free download I’ve written to help you understand your chart further!

There are seven different authorities in Human Design:

  • Emotional Authority
  • Splenic Authority
  • Sacral Authority
  • Self-Projected Authority
  • Ego Projected / Ego Manifested Authority
  • Sounding Board / Mental Authority
  • Lunar Authority

If you are yet to discover your Human Design type and authority, the first step is to obtain your Human Design chart. To generate your chart, you will need to provide your birth information, including your date, time, and place of birth. Having an accurate birth time is crucial for creating a precise chart. Even a few minutes can impact your results.

Getting to know your chart.

Once you have your birth information ready, visit this page to generate your free Human Design chart. Along with your chart, you’ll also receive a download that provides an overview of your type, authority, and key aspects of your design.

This foundational information will give you a solid starting point for understanding your unique Human Design and how to work with it effectively. If you are unsure about your Human Design type or would like to learn more about the four main types – Generators, Projectors, Manifestors, and Reflectors – head over to my blog post What is My Human Design Type? for an overview.

Once you know your type and authority, it’s time to dive deeper into understanding and experimenting with your specific strategy. Each human design type has its own approach to making decisions, managing energy, and interacting with the world.

For Generators and Manifesting Generators, the strategy is to respond to what lights them up and excites them. and trust their Sacral response. 

As a Projector, I am designed to wait for invitation and recognition before offering my guidance.

Manifestors are here to inform others of their intentions before taking action. 

Whilst Reflectors are meant to wait a full lunar cycle before sharing their insights on the health of the environment they are observing.

Take some time to research your type and authority and start consciously applying your strategy in your daily life. Remember, Human Design is an experiment. Be patient with yourself and observe how your energy and decision-making process shift as you align with your unique design.

Practical Tip: Start making decisions using your Human Design strategy. For example, if you’re a Generator, check in with your Sacral response before saying “yes” to commitments. If you’re a Projector, practice waiting for invitation and recognition before initiating projects.

Step 3: Observe and Integrate Your Undefined Centres

In addition to your type and authority, your Human Design chart will also show 9 energy centres either undefined (white) or defined (coloured in). Energy Centres are something that typically gets completely missed when starting your Human Design journey – despite being one of the most important elements to understand.

Defined Centres are where you have fixed and consistent access to an energy, this is a reliable energy and something you are actively designed to access in life. 

Undefined centres are areas where you are more susceptible to external influences and conditioning. Undefined centres are like ariels absorbing and amplifying energy and information from the immediate environment. 

Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, described Defined Centres as ‘the student’ (you) and the Undefined Centres as ‘the lessons’ (the things you are here to learn about).

Each centres energetic theme helps you understand your consistent and inconsistent access to energy. Identifying your defined and undefined centres reveals who you are and what you are here to learn about.

To understand who we truly are, we must recognise how conditioning pulls us away from ourselves through our undefined centres and how this impact offers potential for wisdom.

The Energetic Themes: 

Head Centre – Inspiration and Questions

Anja Centre – Concepts, Ideas, Answers

Throat – Expression and Communication

G Centre – Direction, Love, Identity

Heart – Will Power, Ego, Material Objects, Self Worth

Solar Plexus – Desires, Emotions, Nervous System 

Spleen – Immune System, Intuition, Fear, Survival

Sacral – Vital Life Force Energy, Sexual Energy 

Root – Adrenaline, Drive, Stress

By becoming aware of your open centres and the themes they represent, you can also start to recognise when you’re being pulled off course and bring yourself back to your authentic path.

A diagram of a body parts

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For instance, if you have an undefined Head Centre like me, you might find yourself getting easily distracted by other people’s ideas and inspirations. You may take them on and identify them as your own. You may hear other people’s questions and feel the need to answer them. These are all distractions from who you really are. By observing this tendency and consciously choosing to let the inspiration go and not get stuck on finding an answer for it, you can gradually learn to navigate your undefined centres with greater ease and clarity.

Integrating Human Design

Integrating Human Design into your life is a gradual process of self-discovery and experimentation. Human Design is a 7-year experiment – it’s not something you will learn in a weekend or even in a year. It is a process of uncovering layers over a period of time through experience. 

By starting with these three steps – discovering your type and authority, experimenting with your strategy, and observing your undefined centres – you’ll be well on your way to living in greater alignment with your unique design.

Practical Tip: Identify your undefined centres and start to notice how they influence your energy and decision-making. When you find yourself getting pulled off course, take a moment to reconnect with your authority and realign with your Human Design strategy.

Remember, Human Design is a tool for self-empowerment and understanding, not a rigid set of rules to follow. Allow yourself the space to explore and integrate this system at your own pace.

As you go on your Human Design journey, be patient and compassionate with yourself. It takes time to unlearn old patterns and conditioning and start living in alignment with your true nature. You’ll likely discover on your path more compassion for yourself when you understand what influences your behaviour, as well as greater compassion for others when you understand their design.

If you have your Human Design chart and are eager to learn how to read and interpret it, I invite you to head over to my blog [insert link], where you will learn how to read your Human Design chart, understand your defined and undefined centres, and uncover your conscious and unconscious gifts.

3 Steps To Implement Human Design Into Your Life

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3 Steps To Implement Human Design Into Your Life

Human Design

3 Steps To Implement Human Design Into Your Life

Human Design

3 Steps To Implement Human Design Into Your Life

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